According to TeamViewer, there are three things that set it apart from other remote desktop tools: The tool is supposed to be easy to use while offering secure connections. In addition to connecting to computers and mobile devices, you can connect to servers, IoT devices, and commercial-grade machines no matter where you are in the world. TeamViewer provides remote access, remote support, and remote control tools for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. With no complex configuration, Supremo already stands out among most remote desktop tools.

It’s compatible with Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux. Supremo is a remote desktop tool that allows for easy access to servers, computers, and mobile devices. I’ll get into whether the products deliver on those promises later in this review.

The reason is, you can’t establish a connection from TeamViewer 9 to TeamViewer 10 but vice versa is possible.Let’s start by taking a look at the product overviews for both remote desktop tools to see what each promises. While we recommend you download the latest version of TeamViewer, you need to make sure that you’re not downloading or using a version of TeamViewer greater than the version installed on the computer which is being used to control or offer support to your computer. Step 1: Download TeamViewer by visiting the official page. Simply follow the given below instructions to get the TeamViewer running without installing. If you want to remotely assist a friend or client without installing TeamViewer on your or your client’s PC, you’ll be glad to know that TeamViewer can be used without actually installing it. If you have been assisting your friends and others to resolve their software issues, you probably know that many users don’t want to install software on their PCs that they haven’t used before. One of the many reasons is the fact it’s completely free for personal and non-commercial use, meaning home users can use the best remote control software without having to purchase the license. There are plenty of reasons why over 220 million computer and smartphone users are using TeamViewer for remote connection.